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Health & Safety Guidance


Grip Dept Reccomendations

In the interest of Health and Safety, the Grips Branch have the following requirements for safe working practices within the Grip Department.

1 / Proper Crewing Levels
  • Min. Crew Size for 1 x Camera (with Dolly)

    • 1 x Grip

    • 1 x Trainee

    • 1 x Standby Carpenter

    • 1 x Standby Rigger/Stagehand

    • Each additional camera should have at least 1 x addtl Grip. 

  • Dolly Lifts should be a minimum of 4 people, and 6 for larger dollies, or use suitable lifting equipment and be given the time to do so.

  • Safe Operation of Camera Cranes - Ensure the crane is properly crewed. Unless detailed by manufacturer’s instructions or a risk assessment, 2 x Level 3 Grips (the 2nd can be Level 2 Certified) and 1 x Level 2 Crane Technician for telescopic cranes under 40ft and modular cranes under 30ft should be in attendance.

  • Telescopic cranes over 40ft and modular cranes over 30ft require 2 x Crane Technicians (one of whom can be unqualified), as well as the 2 x Grips listed above. An additional head technician is required whenever a stabilised head is used.

  • Mobile Crane Bases - 1 x additional technician if the crane is under 40ft.

    • Additional Crane information available here in the ASPEC guidance. 

2 / Use Qualified Crew
  • A Dolly should be operated under the supervision of at least 1 x Level 2 Grip.

  • A Crane should be operated under the supervision of at least 1 x Advanced Level 3 Grip and 1 x Level 2 Crane Technician.

3 / Tracking Vehicles and Car Rigging

1 x Additional Grip required per camera/tracking vehicle

  • Tracking Vehicles and Exterior car mounts being used on public roads should be supervised by an Advanced Level 3 Grip, as per the Met Police Guidance 2016 (available here).

  • Tracking Vehicles should be fit for purpose with necessary fixing points for the working load expected.

  • Tracking Vehicles should only be driven by an experienced Precision Driver approved by the Key Grip.

  • All crew travelling on the vehicle should wear harness/seat belt and all cameras and accessories must be fixed with a secondary safety line in case of accident. 

Cameras should NOT be placed within the path of a moving vehicle unless it is an un-manned lock off or remotely operated. Crew should not be placed in the path of a moving vehicle, horse, carriage or heavy moving object.

4 / Excessive Working Hours

Excessive Working Hours should be minimised where possible and accommodation requests from the Key Grip & Best Boy Grip should be taken seriously. 


De-rig time must be allowed to prevent rushing. It's been shown that most accidents happen on wrap.

The Mark Milsome Foundation logo

Be More Mark.

On 18th November 2017, Mark Milsome was killed on a British run film set in Ghana whilst operating a camera for a stunt that went tragically wrong. The Mark Milsome Foundation was set up in 2018 at the request of Mark's wife, Andra, and at launch the industry witnessed over 4,000 cast & crew wearing Black T-Shirts in Mark's honour. A truly moving event. 


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Health & Safety Documents

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